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VA disability ratings for Eye Conditions, Open-angle glaucoma, Malignant neoplasms of the eye, orbit, and adnexa (excluding skin), Benign neoplasms of the eye, orbit, and adnexa (excluding skin), Nystagmus, central, Trachomatous conjunctivitis, Chronic co


Eye conditions can significantly impact a veteran’s quality of life. The VA evaluates most eye conditions based on visual impairment or incapacitating episodes, depending on which results in a higher disability rating. In this video by Deck Plate we will understand the VA disability ratings for Eye Conditions, Open-angle glaucoma, Malignant neoplasms of the eye, orbit, and adnexa (excluding skin), Benign neoplasms of the eye, orbit, and adnexa (excluding skin), Nystagmus, central, Trachomatous conjunctivitis, Chronic conjunctivitis (nontrachomatous), Ptosis, unilateral or bilateral, Ectropion, Bilateral or Unilateral, Entropion, Bilateral or Unilateral, Lagophthalmos, Bilateral or Unilateral.