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VA disability ratings for Eye conditions: Impairment of Central Visual Acuity: Anatomical loss of both eyes, No more than light perception in both eyes, Anatomical loss of one eye, No more than light perception in one eye, Vision in one eye 5/200 (1.5/60)


The VA disability ratings for impairment of central visual acuity focus on the loss or reduction of vision in one or both eyes. These conditions range from the complete anatomical loss of an eye to vision that is reduced but still partially functional. In this video by Deck Plate we will understand the VA Disability Ratings for Eye Conditions: Impairment of Central Visual Acuity: Anatomical loss of both eyes, No more than light perception in both eyes, Anatomical loss of one eye, No more than light perception in one eye, Vision in one eye 5/200 (1.5/60), Visual acuity in one eye 10/200 (3/60) or better.