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VA disability ratings for 1. Multiple Digits: Unfavorable Ankylosis, Five digits of one hand, unfavorable ankylosis of, Four digits of one hand, unfavorable ankylosis of, Three digits of one hand, unfavorable ankylosis of, Two digits of one hand, unfavora


In this video by Deck Plate we will understand the VA disability ratings for 1. Multiple Digits: Unfavorable Ankylosis, Five digits of one hand, unfavorable ankylosis of, Four digits of one hand, unfavorable ankylosis of, Three digits of one hand, unfavorable ankylosis of, Two digits of one hand, unfavorable ankylosis of.

2. Multiple Digits: Favorable Ankylosis, Five digits of one hand, favorable ankylosis of, Four digits of one hand, favorable ankylosis of, Three digits of one hand, favorable ankylosis of, Two digits of one hand, favorable ankylosis of.