- Miscellaneous (95)
- Spina Bifida (1)
- Cardiovascular (1)
- Artery and vein conditions (Vascular Diseases including Varicose Vines) (1)
- Hypertension (2)
- Heart conditions (Including IHD, Non IHD, Arrhythmias, Valvular Disease and Cardiac Surgery) (2)
- Oral and Dental Conditions, including Mouth, Lips, and Tongue (other than Temporomandibular Joint Conditions) (3)
- Scars/Disfigurement (2)
- Skin Diseases (6)
- Ear Nose and Throat (2)
- Ear conditions (Including Vestibular and Infectious Conditions) (6)
- Loss of Sense of Smell and/or Taste (1)
- Sinusitis, Rhinitis, and Other Conditions of the Nose, Throat, Larynx, and Pharynx (5)
- Diabetes Mellitus (4)
- Endocrine Diseases (other than Thyroid and Parathyroid, or Diabetes Mellitus) (3)
- Thyroid and Parathyroid Conditions (2)
- Gastrointestinal (2)
- Esophageal conditions (including GERD, Hiatal Hernia and other Esophageal Disorders) (6)
- Gallbladder and Pancreas conditions (1)
- Intestinal conditions (other than Surgical or Infectious) Including Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and Diverticulitis (2)
- Intestinal Surgery (Bowel Resection, Colostomy, ileostomy (2)
- Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, and other liver conditions (1)
- Stomach and Duodenal conditions (not including GERD or Esophageal Disorders) (1)
- Infectious Intestinal Disorders (including Bacterial and Parasitic Infections) (1)
- Genitourinary (3)
- Kidney conditions (Nephrology) (2)
- Male Reproductive organ conditions (1)
- Urinary Tract (including Bladder and Urethra conditions) excluding male Reproductive system (1)
- Breast conditions and Disorders (1)
- Gynecological Conditions (2)
- Hairy Cell and other B-Cell Leukemias (1)
- Infectious Diseases (2)
- HIV Related illnesses (2)
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and other Autoimmune Diseases (1)
- Nutritional Deficiencies (1)
- Musculoskeletal (2)
- Amputations (7)
- Ankle Conditions (5)
- Non-Degenerative Arthritis (including inflammatory, Autoimmune, Crystalline and infectious arthritis and Dysbaric Osteonecrosis (4)
- Elbow and forearm conditions (2)
- Foot conditions including Flatfeet (Pes Planus) (3)
- Hand and Finger conditions (3)
- Hip and Thigh conditions (2)
- Knee and lower leg conditions (5)
- Muscle Injuries (6)
- Shoulder and Arm conditions (3)
- Neck (Cervical Spine) conditions (2)
- Back (Thoracolumbar Spine) conditions (4)
- Wrist conditions (2)
- Cranial Nerve Condition (1)
- Diabetic Sensory-Motor Peripheral Neuropathy (1)
- Central Nervous System and Neuromuscular Diseases (except TBI, ALS, PD, MS, Headaches, TMJ, Epilepsy, Narcolepsy, Peripheral Nerves, Sleep apnea, Cranial Nerves, Fibromyalgia, and CFS) (3)
- Fibromyalgia (1)
- Headaches (including Migraine Headaches) (5)
- Peripheral Nerve Conditions (not including Diabetic Sensory-motor Peripheral Neuropathy) (5)
- Seizure Disorder (1)
- Ophthalmological (1)
- Eye Conditions (6)
- Eating Disorders (1)
- Mental Disorders (other than PTSD) (3)
- Review Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (1)
- Respiratory conditions (other than Tuberculosis and sleep apnea) (12)
- Sleep Apnea (3)
- Rheumatological (1)
- Hernias (including Abdominal, Inguinal, and Femoral Hernias) (1)
- Rectum and Anus Conditions (including Hemorrhoids) (1)
Transforming Veteran Care: Virtual Reality Enhances Inpatient Discharge Experience
Category: Miscellaneous
This video will talk about transforming veteran care and how virtual reality enhances the inpatient discharge experience. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is embracing cutting-edge technology to improve healthcare services for veterans. Virtual reality (VR) is at the forefront of this transformation, particularly in enhancing the inpatient discharge process. By simulating real-life discharge scenarios, VR-based training equips healthcare providers with tools to improve communication, foster empathy, and ensure veterans feel prepared and supported when transitioning from hospital care to home life.